
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Favorite YouTubers of August

My obsession with all things beauty and makeup grew a lot when I found Beauty Guru's on YouTube. I like to watch my favorite YouTubers while I'm getting ready in the morning or when I'm getting ready for bed on my ipad. Sometimes YouTube can become TV for me. I certainly am behind on a lot of my TV shows but this is just way better. So here are my favorites for August in no particular order...

I really enjoy watching Ashley's videos and love her red hair. She does amazing tutorials, favorites videos, empties, product reviews, and so much more. She is great at reviewing current products and I really trust her opinion when it comes to what she likes and doesn't like. She is really relaxing to watch and has a calming voice when you listen to her. Here is her most recent video:

Next up is Mary or otherwise known as alovetart. She is a lover of nail polish so I can always count on fun new nail polishes to find out about. She is super bubbly and it comes through on the camera that she really enjoys making videos. She does FOTD, makeup collection, reviews, favorites, and so much more. She also has great taste in makeup. Check out her most recent video here:

The final favorite of this month is flowerbomb31. She always seems to buy the most amazing high end products and must have the most amazing makeup collection. I cannot wait until she films that video. She does collection and haul posts and is always talking about the new goodies that she picks up. If you are into high end makeup you will really enjoy her videos. She has amazing taste and really knows what she is talking about. Check out her latest post here:

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