
Friday, September 7, 2012

Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes

I was recently looking at photos on Instagram when I came across someones MAC palette that looked different. I soon found out that MAC recently came out with all new pro palettes. The concept is basically more like a Z palette in that you can see your eyeshadows and can just stick them in alone since the palette is magnetic. You also have the option of putting in a holder that makes it more like the older palettes where the shadows are more spread out. I'm going to show you some of the pictures that I have of my old palettes, the new one, and some comparison of a Z palette and my 10 shadow Inglot palette. The new palettes cost $18 for the outer part and then if you want the inner part it is $9 so in total the whole palette could either cost you  $18 or $27. That's quite a bit more than the palettes used to cost I believe. They also have this for blush as well. So here are my thoughts on the new palettes: 

Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes

The palette is pretty sturdy. I actually by accident dropped it. Yes I dropped it the first day I got it. Pretty bad but luckily none of the shadows broke. Now I did have the insert in and personally I think that this helps a lot to protect the shadow. Right off the bat I love that it is clear. I think I'm going to use my shadows more since now I can see them. But on the negative I would have the put the labels on the back and I don't love that. The product is very sleek and modern looking which I like. It is quite a bit heavier though than the old palettes so I don't love that. 

New MAC Pro Palette without insert

This is how the palette is fully open. It's opens all the way. I found that it wouldn't stay put at certain angles which I don't really like but I can work with it.
New MAC Pro Palette open

This is what the insert looks like. It makes it pretty easy to pop out the shadows when you have the insert out of the palette but when the insert is in its not as easy as the older palettes to get the shadows out.
Top of Insert

Back of Insert

Here you can see how thick the new palette is. It is thicker than the old ones, than the Z Palette, and thicker than Inglot which are pretty thick. I wish it was a little thinner since this makes it bulky.
Side of New Pro Palette

Pro Palette with Insert

This is my old palette. You can see how I can't see the colors which I didn't like and it has an older look.
Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes
Old Mac Pro Palette

I would label the inside of the palette which worked out really well to figure out which color was what. Also you can see the little grooves in between the shadows which makes it easy to take out the shadows.
Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes
Old Mac Pro Palette Open

Hopefully you can see here how much thinner the older palettes were.
Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes
Side of Old Mac Pro Palette

Here you can see the size difference between the old and the new. The newer one isn't as wide. I kind of care more about the thickness than the width but that's just me.
Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes
Comparison in Size of  Old vs. New Palette

Comparison of Old vs. New Palette

Here you can see how much nicer it is to see the colors in your palette. The other way you could only see it once you opened it.
View from Top of Old vs. New Palette

Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes
Comparison in Size of New Mac Palette vs. Z Palette vs. Inglot Palette

Even though I am not a fan of using the palette without the insert I did want to show everyone what it looks like without it. I was able to fit 24 mac shadows. The nice thing about this is if you want to travel with blushes  and eyeshadows you can put it all into one MAC palette. I like the idea of that although I don't feel 100% safe traveling without inserts.
Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes
MAC Palette without Insert

Newly Released MAC Pro Palettes
MAC Palette without Insert Open

So that's it for the new palettes. They are not going to be selling the old ones anymore. So for the OCD people out there you are probably going to either want to replace all of your old ones or you will have mixed palettes. In general I really like the new palettes so far. I will have to use them more to really see if the heaviness bothers me or not. I love that I can see the colors and am really excited to use my Fall colors. Have any of you tried the new palettes? What are your thoughts on them?



  1. This looks really cool! I don't have nearly enough eyeshadow to fill a whole palette haha but yeah, looks awesome :)

    1. I went on a mac crazy time and bought a zillion shadows when I first started buying makeup. That's why I have so many. I don't think they have the best shadows but have some good ones.

  2. I like how you can see the colors inside, but I don't plan to buy one anytime soon since I only have one MAC palette anyway.

    1. Yeah if you have one palette you are fine. But if you need another one these will be the only ones they are selling. Thanks for taking the time to comment!!

  3. Personally, I don't own any MAC yet as I there isn't one too close to me and when I have, I just haven't found anything particularly great, so I leave without anything. Plus, I prefer Urban Decay shadows thanks to their new packaging because if I were to travel with MAC eyeshadows I would like them to be either in singles or a 6 pan compact, which they don't offer and when I am at home I would rather have them in a palette so if I got singles they would take up too much room in my collection and pans aren't ideal to travel with. But with the new Urban Decay packaging they can be removed and replaced back into their singles casing and palette.

    1. Urban Decay makes better shadows in general but I do like some mac colors. I don't really love the new packaging from Urban Decay. I think the palette looks so bulky. I love the Naked palettes because they are so thin. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. It means a lot to me to know people are reading my posts and enjoying them.

  4. Thank you for following me. I will be sure to take a look at your blog!

  5. Any chance you could guesstimate how many inglot shadows would fit into the new mac pro pan palette? Thx! :)

    1. I don't think more than 15 but not 100% sure. Hope this helps. Thanks for reading my blog!

  6. Gotta say.. not a fan of the new palettes in comparison to my Z Palettes, even with the improvements. The new MAC Palettes are a lot like the Z Palettes now that they have a clear lid and are magnetic... but the Z Palettes hold more and the lid folds completely under which is super convenient. Plus they have a bunch of great colors to choose from. :)

  7. Gotta say.. not a fan of the new palettes in comparison to my Z Palettes, even with the improvements. The new MAC Palettes are a lot like the Z Palettes now that they have a clear lid and are magnetic... but the Z Palettes hold more and the lid folds completely under which is super convenient. Plus they have a bunch of great colors to choose from. :)

    1. I prefer to have some support and separation with my eyeshadows so I like the MAC palettes for that. If you like to have a ton of eyeshadows or blushes packed in then yes I think the Z palette is better because it is lighter weight and thinner. Depends I guess what you are looking for. For me I'm not a fan of the Z palettes.

  8. Nice review! Your blog came up when I googled a review of the new palette.

  9. Nice review! Your blog came up when I googled a review of the new palette.

    1. Thanks Suzanne. I hope you enjoy my blog. Really appreciate you taking the time to comment!

  10. Just got one of the new mac palettes too and I like it but I agree it could have been a little thinner and lighter. It is almost to deep without the insert if one of the shadows did pop off the magnet traveling there is a lot of extra room in there for it to bounce around and break. I do prefer the plastic palette to the cardboard Z palettes, it seems more sturdy. And I also like the insert to help protect my shadows and keep it neat looking. Thanks for the review!

  11. Is the new one easy for travel? I wish I could find a place that still sells the old ones because they are much thinner which I think would be perfect for storing and everything.
