

How old are you?
I am 32 years old.

Where do you live?
New York City

When did you first start your beauty blog?
July 2012

What made you want to start blogging?
I have always really enjoy makeup, skincare, and all things beauty related. About a year ago I started watching people who make beauty videos. It wasnt until just this month via my instagram account that I realized how much I like sharing my love with others who enjoy the same.

What are some of your favorite makeup brands?
I love both low end and high end things. Some favorite brands would be Nars, NYX, Revlon, Tarte, Chanel, and Mac. Probably there are many more but these are just a few.

What are you favorite skincare brands?
With skincare I feel like I am always looking for the holy grail product that will change my life. So I am always trying new stuff. I enjoy lines like Kiehls and Boscia. But more so with skincare than makeup I really mix it up.

Where do you shop for your makeup and skincare products?
I shop a lot at Sephora, Bloomingdales, CVS, RiteAid, and Harmons. I love Harmons as their prices are very low and they get the new lines of makeup in earlier than other stores.


  1. So excited to follow your blog! I am a fellow NYC 32 yr old blogger who is new to the game. Can't wait to read more from you!

  2. Thanks so much. What is your blog would love to check it out.
