
Friday, January 18, 2013

Beauty O'holic Blogspot Best Beauty Blog Award

Meredith from the blog Beauty O'holic recently named me one of the top 10 blogs that have inspired her. She is focusing this award on those who have blogspot domains. I want to thank Meredith for thinking of me and also for having a wonderful name! I hope in this post you get to learn a little bit more about me outside of my love for beauty products. Also you may also find some new bloggers to follow who have great posts. 

So here are the rules to the award:

  • Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Write 10 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer 10 questions written by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 10 other fashionistas.
  • Write 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominees must have a blogspot domain.
  • Add the Best Beauty Blog Award to your blog.
  • Page Views
  • Creativity
  • Organization
Random Facts about Myself:
1.  I speak to my mom on the phone everyday. 
2.  I've seen Michael Bolton in concert. 
3.  I'm addicted to diet soda.
4.  I've traveled to Alaska on a cruise. 
5.  I played tennis in high school and when I was younger. 
6.  I've never had any pets except fish.
7.  I'm obsessed with The Container Store.
8.  One of my biggest regrets is not studying abroad in college. 
9.  I love to sing and took voice lessons when I was younger. 
10. When I was younger I was obsessed with Jared Leto.

1. What motivated you to start your own blog? 
I decided to start my blog after posting some pictures on Instagram and getting some great feedback and a ton of followers. That gave me the confidence to start the blog. Who knows, maybe YouTube at some point too but right now the blog is my focus. 

2. Do you use any social networking sites to promote your blog? If so, what are they?
I use a ton of social networking sites to let people know about what I am posting. Anything from Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, StumbleUpon, Facebook, etc. I'm always finding new ones too.

3. On average, how many page views does your blog get per day?
I probably get around 800 page views a day but that really depends on how often I post and how many posts I do.

4. What types of blogs do you write about? For example, how-to's, reviews, etc.
I enjoy writing about reviews of new products, posts on my collection, and great beauty deals. Really anything beauty related. I'm not a makeup artist so I don't do tutorials or anything but have great YouTubers to recommend if anyone is into that.

5. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they?
My worst habit is probably picking at my lips. I have no idea where it came from but unfortunately it means I'll never have completely unchapped lips. I guess there are worse bad habits to have though. Also procrastination, that is something I would love to work on.

6. Whats your favorite movie of all time?
My favorite movie would be a three way tie between Dirty Dancing, Grease, and Clueless.

7. If you could meet any celeb, who would it be and why?
It would 100% be Kim Kardashian. I love her style in general and would love to pick her brain on beauty questions and what products she uses. I'm so excited and happy for her with her pregnancy.

8. Where do you see your blog in 3 years?
I see my blog growing to have an amazing group of men and women who read my posts and also continuing to network with other bloggers who enjoy beauty as much as I do.

9. What gained your blog the most attention? For example, a blog, a giveaway, contest, etc.
I gained a lot of attention when I posted about the Sephora Friends & Family Sale, which technically didn't happen but I thought it was going to after seeing Temptalia post about it. If I knew it wasn't going to happen I wouldn't have done the post but I figured it was safe to if Temptalia posted about it.

10. What do you think of this award and future contest?
I think it's great to be able to recognize bloggers who work hard at what they are doing and who put a lot of thought and effort into sharing great information with their followers. I also think it's nice to be able to share more personal things with our readers to help them better get to know us.

My Nominees are:

Questions for Nominees:
1. If you won $1 million dollars what would you do with the money?
2. Where do you dream of traveling to?
3. What is your favorite season and why?
4. Do you have any nicknames?
5. What is something that you've struggled with in life?
6. Are you a morning or night person?
7. Do you think high end makeup brushes are worth the money?
8. What made you pick having a blogspot website?
9. What type of camera do you use to take your blog photos?
10. Do you use any special software that helps your blog?