
Monday, October 1, 2012

Laine Blogger Award

I was recently nominated for the Laine Blogger Award by Perla. You can check out her blog here. She is super sweet and has been a great supporter of my blog which I truly appreciate. 

The rules are that you are supposed to tag the blogger that nominated you, answer the 5 questions below, and award the Laine Blogger Award to 5 of your favorite bloggers. 

Question 1: What is your current beauty obsession?
My current beauty obsession is tightlining when I have the time to do it. It's amazing how much it opens up my eyes. I love it so much. I use the one from Laura Mercier. 
Question 2: What is one beauty item you wished you owned?
I'm terrible because I pretty much buy everything that I want. It's a problem but if I could think of one thing it would probably be a skincare product from the UK. I'm obsessed with the skincare that is sold in the UK. I really want to get the Alpha Liquid Gold that all of the UK YouTubers and bloggers have been talking about.  All of you UK people are always so jealous of Sephora but you guys have some amazing skincare over there. 
Question 3: What is your favorite post to read or write about?
I enjoy sharing with you beauty events. I love going to events and sometimes I don't always know about everything going on so it's fun to see what other bloggers are sharing. I love to read project pan posts. 
Question 4: What inspired you to become a blogger?
My inspiration to start blogging really came from Instagram and the support of Melmphs who is on YouTube. You should check out here channel here.  I started posting beauty pictures on Instagram and people really liked them. That gave me the encouragement to share my love of makeup and beauty products on here. My friends are not very into this stuff so I like sharing it with you all.
Question 5: What nail polish are you wearing right now?
Right now I am wearing Deborah Lippmann Stormy Weather. You can read my blog post on it here.  It's a very pretty dark grey color. 
I nominate these great bloggers whose blogs I love to read: 
Sorry if I left anyone out. I could only pick five but I really enjoy a lot more than 5 blogs. Thanks again Perla for nominating me. It makes me feel very appreciative to know that people enjoy what I write about.