
Friday, October 26, 2012

Favorite YouTubers of October

These are some of the YouTuber's that I want to highlight this month. I've found a few new people this month which is always exciting. I always wonder if I am going to run out of people to highlight but month after month I still have new favorites. These are my favorites for October.

This is a channel that I really watching because Jen seems just very down to earth. Lately she has been doing a log of vlogging videos which I enjoy watching. She is super organized and I just love seeing how she decorates for each season, about her workouts, her healthy eating. She just has a lot of really great ideas for staying organized, healthy, and fit. She also will do hauls, beauty box reviews, and other fun stuff. Here is her most recent video:

Next up is a recent channel that I just found but I am really loving it. Her focus is on talking about the products she buys. She doesn't do tutorials but I don't really mind that. She has great taste in beauty products and is always picking up some fun new goodies. I've found some great new products thanks to her and recommend taking a look at this channel. Here is her most recent video.

The final favorite for this month is Lola (I think her name is Lola :). She has a great channel where she does tutorials, beauty hauls, favorites, tag, etc. She is a true makeup lover and shares a love of Bath & Body Works like I do. She mixes high end and drugstore products and is just fun to watch her videos because she seems to truly enjoy making them. I also really enjoy chatting with her on Instagram. Here is her most recent video:

1 comment:

  1. This is so nice, thank you so much for mentioning me! My name is Laura, but I go by Lola as a nickname! I am really touched that you thought to mention me, thank you so very much!!!!
