
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Posts Would You Like to See?

I wanted to do a quick post to ask you all what type's of posts you are interested in reading about? Do you like skincare review, drugstore products, nail posts, high end, etc? This is your chance to give me your feedback on what types of posts you would find most interesting. I'm new to the whole blogging community and am trying my best to not only post what interests me but also post what you all want to read. I hope that you all have been enjoying my blog over the past few months. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all of your support. I have some fun ideas for posts coming up but still look forward to hearing your thoughts. Hope everything is having a wonderful Tuesday and you all have a fabulous rest of your week!



  1. I think it is important to stay true to what gets you excited - I always think of my posts as a way to share with friends, much like I would with any of my girlfriends. This usually helps! I really enjoy reading the review posts))

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I do try to make it like I'm talking to a friend. Hopefully that comes across. I'll try and do more reviews.

  2. I would live a tarte lip surgence collection! Thanks for being an awesome blogger!

  3. I would live a tarte lip surgence collection! Thanks for being an awesome blogger!

    1. I can certainly do a tarte lip surgence collection post. I have about 6 or so of them. Appreciate your kind words. It means so much to me.
