
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blog Sale

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I thought I would kick things off on my blog with a blog sale. I have a ton of makeup and would like to get rid of a few things. I will always be updating the blog sale page as I have new things that I would like to sell. This is my first time doing a blog and my first time doing a blog sale so I just ask that everyone be patient with me if there are any glitches. I hope you like what I have available and look forward to communicating with you all more through this site.

Click here to Access the Blog Sale Page.


  1. hope everyone enjoys the stuff I'm selling.

  2. hey! i follow you on instagram : delicatebeautiesxo
    and im so excited for your blog sale :)

    1. Thanks so much for checking me out on this blog. Its kind of all new to me but I'm looking forward to doing reviews and posting more information soon on here. Send me an email if you are interested in anything that I have posted.

  3. Replies
    1. Thats ok. I sold a few things so I am happy about that. I may post some more stuff soon though. I am having a hard time parting with some things even though I dont love them.
