
Contact Me/PR

Analytics as of October 18, 2012 
-Blog started in July 2012. All statistics are from July 17, 2012
-27,037 Visits

-20,511 Unique Visitors
-44,640 Page Views

Companies interested in product reviews

nycmakeuplover is more than happy to consider accepting products for review from brands and public relations representatives. Products that are received to review for sponsored or paid advertorial purposes will be clearly disclosed.

Receipt of a product, solicited or unsolicited, does not mean that I have entered into a contract in which publishing an editorial review is mandatory. 

All reviews published on nycmakeuplover1 are done based on assessments of the product. Therefore, there is no guarantee that PR provided products will receive a positive review. In addition, no content will be forwarded to PR for pre-approval before publishing. 

If you are a company that would like to submit your products for consideration, please contact me at 

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions. You can also reach me at: 


Mailing Address:

Meredith K.
Church Street Station

PO Box 738
New York, NY 10008

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